It is estimated that 42% of marriages in the UK end in divorce. It’s definitely not shameful or embarrassing to end up in that percentage, as it could be the best thing to ever happen to you.
The initial emotions that come with divorce are loneliness, despair and possibly sadness. However, what if getting a divorce is just what your life needs?
It is understandably easy to lose yourself after a divorce and feel terrified of starting a new chapter in your life that does not include that significant other. Nethertheless, it is also fairly easy to think about what good things can come of a separation.
Being divorced after a difficult marriage can open new doors and new opportunities. It allows you to think for yourself and do things that please you and make you happy.
In modern studies of marriage, women in their late twenties are more likely to get a divorce and feel unhappy in their relationship. This is surprisingly quite a young age for divorce, but also allows for divorced women (and men) to move on easier.
So, what happens after a divorce?
One of the biggest things to think about is the house you shared when you were together. It is likely that one of you has moved out and the other has the responsibility over the house. If this responsibility is yours, perhaps it’s time to get rid of the home you owned together and start fresh somewhere new. It is a smooth and quick process selling your home and it can be done efficiently to make sure that you are no longer left with the shackles of your marriage.
If selling your home is the best option for you after your divorce, contact us for help and information.